Child and Daycare Solutions: MODULAR DAYCARE Buildings

In 2022, 65% of families are comprised of two working parents, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Modern times have called for modern solutions and the need for flexible to around-the-clock daycare options are in high demand. To meet this demand, modular daycare buildings and portable classrooms are a great solution to the increasing needs of working families.

Modular Daycare Centers

To meet the needs of working parents, many large companies are using modular buildings to create on-site, modular daycare centers to provide employees with the ability to have their children close and taken care of, all while continuing to work during business hours. Parents can see their children during lunch hours and breaks while offering extremely convenient pickups and drop-offs. This eliminates the stress of getting to pick-up time on time, and decreases the miles driven by not having to make an extra stop to and from work. This added benefit of on-site childcare is an incentive for employees and prospective applicants.

To offer this opportunity for working parents, the most convenient and low-cost option for employers is to create a space via modular construction. Quick turnarounds, cheaper construction prices, and endless options are top selling points. Modular daycare buildings can be easily constructed. Timelines are short, but still offer customization for selections like number of bathrooms, sinks, and square footage space. These buildings can also be easily equipped with the latest teaching technologies and outlets.

Our Classroom & Daycare Building Services

For more than 35 years, Sustainable Modular Management (SMM) has been dedicated to solving your construction needs with cost-efficient, time conscious, and sustainable solutions. We’re committed to assisting our customers navigate the modern, and changing, world. Our modular structures, including portable classrooms and modular daycare buildings, allow our clients to better serve their communities and employees. We take pride in crafting custom designs and we offer turnkey solutions. For more information on modular daycare building, modular classrooms, and portable classrooms, check out classroom offerings or contact us today.