Benefits of Using Modular Buildings and Temporary Structures for Disaster Relief

Disaster recovery and disaster relief are growing areas of concern when it comes to city planning and business development. It might be due to hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and other natural disasters, or needed swing spaces for government or healthcare facilities. Modular construction buildings and temporary structures offer quick, and cost-effective solutions to many problems that arise. These unfortunate events seem to happen often and being prepared with a disaster relief plan and understanding of building options, is essential.

 Large-scale disasters are near impossible to predict. Businesses and cities/states need plans and protocols in place to respond appropriately. Relocatable buildings and modular construction buildings offer solutions to many time-sensitive issues that arise while in crisis mode. The benefits of these buildings include cost-effectiveness, quick installation timelines, and easy access during hard times. The advantages of modular construction buildings are immense.


Modular construction buildings are cost-effective because they can be leased and not purchased. These types of buildings offer shorter timelines and with the ability to return, when the need is over. Leasing allows companies, cities, and other entities the ability to use the building as they see fit, and for the needed amount of time. This cuts down on budget waste and adds to the flexibility needed during the tough events.

Quick Installation

The installation process of modular construction building is fast, efficient, and much easier to complete than traditional construction buildings. Sustainable Modular Management own many different types of modular units that are ready for use, offering quick access and rapid turnaround times. As temporary structures, these buildings come with customizable options that offer quick solutions to disastrous situations. One of the most beneficial elements of modular buildings is their portability and the fact that they can be easily relocated. Mobility can be crucial when working in disaster relief. Environments that might have rapidly changing situations call for flexible options. Recently, in times of Covid, mobility of modular healthcare facilities ended up being a crucial part of the United States’ response. Temporary structures and modular buildings were brought in as additional hospital spaces and testing facilities.

 Easy Access

At SMM, we can provide full-service modular buildings on shorter timelines. We’re able to serve a variety of applications in the emergency, government, commercial, and residential sectors. Natural disasters (and man-made disasters) create an urgent need for short-term facilities. Unlike traditional buildings, modular and portable buildings can be installed quickly. Ultimately, modular buildings can provide the space you much faster, making it the top choice for disaster relief.