Modular Construction’s Role in Natural Disaster Relief

In the South, hurricane season is underway, and September is often the peak of the season. But despite the increased worry about the weather, there’s good news. If and when disaster strikes, sustainable modular construction can offer timely solutions to those who have been displaced. FEMA has even reported that modular homes are stronger and fare better in natural disasters than site-built counterparts, which means they’re more likely to stand up for years to come.

SMM’s partnership with USACE

In concert with FEMA recommendations, more than half of new, post-disaster construction over the past two to three years has come at the order of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) — in particular, out of the Mobile, Alabama, office in the heart of hurricane country. From debris removal to cleaning up utilities channels and issuing dollars toward new construction, the USACE handles the lion’s share of post-disaster relief, and SMM is proud to have partnered as a subcontractor on numerous occasions.

Ready to help

Imagine if a hurricane hits today. You’d see the first 30 to 60 days devoted strictly to debris removal, with construction coming after the fact. But even within a day of a disaster striking, a government agency can push through a contract for new (modular) construction based on a GSA schedule, so that companies like SMM can get to work and stand at the ready.

Time is of the essence

Because relief construction is time-driven in that every day counts, these types of jobs are typically assigned to multiple contractors at a time, to maximize efforts as soon as possible. At SMM, we’re proud to work as part of a larger team to make a difference. While we’re seldom involved in residential construction, we’re focused on commercial building relief, so that people can get back to work — and start to get on with their lives.

For more about modular construction and natural disasters, read here and here.