Making the Most of Modular

Many of our clients come to us knowing some of the benefits of modular construction. But in order for them to get the best out of their building-to-be, we approach each project by asking about as many details as possible up front, to be sure that we’re literally building in relevant features along the way.

Getting a sense of the big picture

In our initial conversations, we’ll aim to determine wants versus needs: What is the intended use of the building, and what are its most important factors? In addition to discussing the overall construction timeframe and cost, we make a point to ask after longevity of use, to determine how long the future building will be used as proposed state, to include necessary details.

Customization is key

From there, we really want to get a sense of what the client needs up front, and what add-ons they’ll want to make the building work well. Customization is one of the key factors of modular construction, so we really try to drive that option home. Given today’s modern technology and SMM’s resources, you can really build anything that looks like a stick-built structure, and then shave 30 percent off of the timeline of typical construction.

Time is on your side

Because we build our modular units in a climate-controlled manufacturing plant, you don’t have to deal with weather delays typical of outdoor construction. To make the most of your modular construction plan, you can time your project according to your fiscal calendar, rather than be forced to work around typical construction seasons dictated by warm-weather spells. Once the units are built, we can ship them out to the site and assemble the building within a matter of weeks, as opposed to months.

The sky’s the limit

Many people make the mistake of thinking that modular construction is limited to certain templates or configurations — which is simply not true. Depending on the budget, we can really do anything someone wants. For instance, if someone doesn’t have the budget for a brick exterior, then we can propose an alternative. We also have plenty of cost-efficient suggestions for interior finishes, as well. When it comes to making the most of modular construction, the possibilities are really endless.

For more on how to customize modular buildings, read here.