Why Schools Should Use Modular Construction

Historically, school administrators have viewed modular construction as more of a temporary solution for development challenges like overcrowded classrooms, tight budgets, and inconvenience.

As research and time have started to show, modular construction is often a more advantageous alternative for the education industry.

 Schools and universities need to build facilities that are great learning environments for their students, but still need to build them quickly, efficiently, and at a reasonable cost.

Here are a few reasons schools and universities should consider modular construction for their next development.


Construction can be a noisy and distracting process. We can almost all remember drilling happening outside while class was in session. It’s hard to concentrate.

With modular construction, the actual building process can happen offsite. This means less days of noise, congestion, and distracted students.

Getting your projects completed while not disrupting the students is a win.


There’s rarely a convenient time to start a new construction project. Often, schools and universities use summer breaks to begin new projects. But students still return to construction in progress.

With modular construction having a quicker turnaround time, you can start a project in the summer and students can return to brand new facilities, preventing disruption and providing a smooth transition.


The needs of schools frequently change. From transfers to new programs and fluctuating populations from year to year, it’s important that administrators can respond appropriately.

Building modular buildings allows you to adjust the size and scale of your projects to the immediate needs of your school or university.


Schools and universities sometimes work with smaller budgets to produce for their new construction projects. But they still have to create necessary housing for the student population. Studies have shown modular construction is a cost saving solution.

For administrators, cost is an important metric to consider when looking at construction options for their schools.

Interested in learning more about modular construction? Contact us today.